The Magical Properties of the Pyramids: Healing and Beauty

The pyramids have truly unique properties. When food is placed in a pyramid, it does not spoil or mold, but only dries out over time. Plant seeds that have spent a certain amount of time in a pyramid germinate better, and their fruits and leaves are larger compared to plants whose seeds have not been loaded into pyramids. Dull blades (knives, razors) become sharp again after staying in a pyramid. Pyramids neutralize the negative effects of geopathogenic zones. Water in a pyramid does not freeze at temperatures down to -38 degrees Celsius. The presence of torsion wave energy can protect the water from turning into ice, but any disturbance to the water creates an imbalance and causes the ice to form quickly. A shock to the bottle disrupts the uniform flow of torsion radiation and allows the crystallization process to begin.

Pyramids have a healing effect on the human body, and both the pyramids themselves and the water they charge have similar properties. Under the influence of the pyramid, the water purifies, its structure changes, and it acquires truly healing properties. Pyramid water has a positive effect on the body, increases the water supply in the cells and increases life energy. It also contributes to rapid recovery and healing, while enhancing and accelerating the effects of medications. Pyramid water helps cleanse the body and eliminate various toxins. This is particularly helpful in treating gastrointestinal diseases, biliary tract, liver and kidneys.

Charged water promotes the healing of bruises, abrasions and wounds and improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the nervous system. In addition, pyramid water has excellent cosmetic properties. Regular consumption of charged water helps smooth wrinkles, get rid of acne, increase skin elasticity and rejuvenate it. Washing and rinsing your hair with this water helps against dandruff and gray hair, strengthens the hair, makes it shiny and silky.

Source: Kovalsky, Y.D. The magical properties of the pyramids / Y.D. Kovalsky, I.B. Nasonova. – Text: direct // Young scientist. – 2023. – No. 1 (64). – pp. 37-39.

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