Pyramid treatment. “The use of pyramid energy as a therapy method”

Pyramid treatment:

The invention relates to medicine, namely to non-traditional methods of treating patients and, in particular, determining the effectiveness of treatment with the energy of the pyramid.

It is known that the Sumerian kings and the Egyptian pharaohs built pyramids and healed their wounds in these pyramids, and their wives gave birth to children in the pyramids too. The Eskimo’s dwelling has the appearance of “IGLU”, wigwams from the Indians and yurts from the nomads, which resemble the contours of a pyramid cone. Recent studies have shown that pyramids concentrate cosmic energy, which orders the internal structure of inorganic and organic bodies. Particularly attracted attention is the antiseptic effect that prevents the growth of rotten bacteria in the pyramid. This opened up a wide field for the use of the pyramids in the production and storage of food, as well as in medicine for the treatment of patients with various diseases. (See, for example, the journal “Inventor and Rationalizer” 4, 1998, pp. 14-15, article “Biopyramid – the death machine or the forge of health”).

Known biolocation methods are carried out indirectly by observing the behavior of indicator devices that are part of a single human-medium-indicator system (see A.A. Litvinenko’s book “Biolocation Encyclopedia” – Magic Rod and Star Pendulum. Moscow, Lotard Publishing House, 1998 g., p. 5-12).

Indicators are used as an auxiliary tool for determining, based on the individual sensitivity of the operator, the characteristic radiation, allowing the operator to show his perception at the level of subjective measurement.

A biological indicator works as a result of muscle tension. Biological indicators are divided into three groups of the framework: pendulums and rods, pendulums or bioradiometry. The biolocation effect is based on the involuntary reaction of the muscular system of a human operator to remote or direct energy-information interaction with the environment. At the same time, deviation of indicator devices occurs, which allows visually recording the specificity and strength of the perceived signal (see also A. Litvinenko’s book “Encyclopedia of Biolocation”, p. 5).

According to the author’s research, the energy shell (biofield) of each person has its own types of energy. If the biofield of a particular person coincides with the types of energy of the pyramid, then this energy has a therapeutic effect on the person.

In this case, a person is considered as an equilibrium state of a biological self-regulating system consisting of a physical body and an energy shell, which mutually influence each other and are characterized by well-defined parameters. Changes in these parameters both in the physical body and in the energy envelope of a person are considered as a deviation from the norm and characterized as a disease.

One of the methods for bringing this system into equilibrium is the method of influencing this system with the energy of the pyramid simultaneously on both the physical body and the energy shell of a person.

Known methods for treating patients with radiation therapy, laser emitters, ultrasound, electromagnetic field, etc. For example, there is a method of preparing a patient for contact radiation therapy (see AS USSR 1697849, class A 61 N 5/00, 1991). This method includes radiography and topometry of the affected area of the patient. In this case, before each irradiation session, a radiopaque magnetic fluid is introduced into the cavity of healthy organs and, by means of an external magnetic field source, under X-ray control, they are maximally displaced in the direction from the radiation source, after which topometric correction of the relative position of the organs and the conditions of the forthcoming exposure is carried out.

The described method of treatment creates a radiation load on the sick and healthy organs of a sick person, which negatively affects human health. Moreover, all known emitters are created artificially due to electric and magnetic forces or neutron-nuclear radiation, which also creates a radiation load on human organs. To implement the known method requires energy costs.

The closest technical solution to the claimed is a method of treating energy with a pyramid using zones with different energies in the pyramid described in patent DE 3525521, IPC A 61 N 5/00, 01/29/1997, The known method of treatment reduces the effectiveness of treatment by increasing the duration of passage the course of treatment, since the zones of distribution of energy concentration in the pyramid are not specifically defined and it is not clear how, and the selection of the energy zone in the pyramid is not carried out to the patient’s state.

The technical result of the invention is to increase the effectiveness of treatment by reducing the time of treatment, ensuring reproducibility and objectification of the results of evaluating the effectiveness of treatment of patients with energy of the pyramid, as well as reducing or even eliminating radiation exposure to human organs and does not require energy consumption.

This goal is achieved by the fact that in the method of treating pyramids with energy, first, at a negative air temperature, water is placed in different places of height inside the pyramid, under and above it, as well as away from each face and kept until it freezes, the filamentous formed in frozen water are analyzed lines and determine the energy distribution zones in the pyramid and beyond by their quantity and length, then using the biological indicator examine the patient’s condition and, using the biological indicator, select the en energies in the pyramid or beyond, corresponding to the condition of the patient, and in this zone the patient or means are placed for subsequent internal or external use, and the means are kept for at least 24 hours.

The zones of distribution of energy concentration in the pyramid and beyond are defined in the following sequence: inside the pyramid from its vertices, the first zone is 0.2360680N, the second zone is 0.263932N, the third is 0.3009014N, and the fourth is 0.1909830N, where N is the height the pyramids. Outside the pyramid, the fifth zone is under the pyramid, to its entire height, the sixth zone is away from its northern edge, the seventh zone is above the pyramid, the eighth zone is away from the southern edge of the pyramid, the ninth zone is away from the eastern edge of the pyramid, tenth zone – away from the western side of the pyramid. Water is used as a means for internal use, and water, foil, stones, copper, bedding are used as a means for external use.

This claimed method of treatment with energy of the pyramids ensures the achievement of the goal, namely, it increases the effectiveness of treatment by reducing treatment time. It provides more complete reproducibility and objectification of the results of evaluating the effectiveness of treatment of patients, as well as reducing or even eliminating radiation loads on human organs.

A comparison of the claimed technical solution with the closest analogue made it possible to establish compliance with the criteria of “novelty” and “inventive step”.

Pyramids for treatment can be different at the base: trihedral, tetrahedral, polygonal and combined, complete, truncated, hollow, monolithic, frame, made of various materials of natural or artificial origin. The pyramid is installed and oriented in space to the cardinal.

At negative air temperatures, water is installed in cups in different zones in height in the inner cavity of the pyramid and beyond. They withstand water until they freeze and form traces (spikes) in pieces of ice.

During crystallization of water during freezing, formations occur in the form of filamentous lines in the direction or in the form of lines of force that form a whole bundle. In cups, the water in the pyramid was aged 24 hours.

By the number of filamentous lines and their length in pieces of ice, the distribution of energy over the zones in the pyramid and beyond is judged. If there are a lot of filamentary lines in a piece of ice and they are long, then, consequently, the energy in the pyramid zone is high. If there are few lines in the pieces of ice and they are short, then, therefore, the energy in the pyramid is low. As a result of such work, it was concluded that cosmic energy in the pyramid is concentrated from the following ratio:
a) inside the pyramid from the top down:
first zone Z 1 = 0.2360680N,
second zone Z 2 = 0.263932H;
third zone Z 3 = 0.30090140H;
fourth zone Z 4 = 0.1909830H,
where H is the height of the pyramid;
b) outside the pyramid:
fifth zone Z 5 – under the pyramid, to its entire height,
the sixth zone З 6 – away from the northern side of the pyramid:
seventh zone Z 7 – above the pyramid,
the eighth zone З 8 – to the side of the southern side of the pyramid,
the ninth zone З 9 – away from the eastern side of the pyramid;
tenth zone З 10 – to the side of the western side of the pyramid.

The numbering of zones is arbitrary. Near the pyramid, the energy is higher. The greater the distance from the pyramid, the lower the energy for areas located outside the pyramid.

After the establishment of zones of energy concentration in the pyramid and beyond, the condition of the patient is determined by its biofield and the place of the diseased organ in the human body and the type of energy in the zones of the pyramid by means of a biological indicator. If the biofield of a sick person coincides with one of the types of energy in a pyramid zone, the patient is prescribed treatment in the energy zone of the pyramid, which coincides with the patient’s biofield, when the patient is in the pyramid’s energy zone directly or is treated with a means charged with energy in the pyramid zone, whose energy type coincides with the patient’s biofield. As a means can be water, dense stones, foil, electrical copper, bedding, etc.

To determine the correspondence of the patient’s biofield with the type of energy of the charged means in one of the zones of the pyramid, a biological pendulum indicator on the suspension in the patient’s hand or in the operator’s hand is installed between the patient’s body and the charged means, and the patient’s biofield with the type of energy is determined by the movement of the biological indicator-pendulum charged means. When the biological indicator-pendulum moves from the patient’s body to a charged means charged in one of the zones with the energy of the pyramid, the patient’s biofield is diagnosed with the type of energy of the charged means. If the biological indicator-pendulum moves across between the patient’s body and the charged means, then the patient’s biofield is diagnosed as not matching the type of energy of the charged means. For charging with the energy of the pyramid in one of its zones, water for charging in the pyramid zone is held for at least 24 hours, and other means (solid stones, foil, electrical copper, bedding, etc.) are kept in the zone for at least 3 days .

For the experiment, a pyramid in the form of Cheops was built. It was built according to the rules for finding the golden ratio Ф = 1.6180339 .., the invariant of the constant of the golden ratio φ = 0.6180339 .. and the angle of inclination to the base of the pyramid γ = 51 o 49’38 ” ..

In accordance with this, the dimensions of the pyramid were built as follows: height 2400 mm, length of the side of the base of the pyramid 3774 mm. The pyramid is built of boards and covered with flat slate. In winter, the pyramid is heated by an electric heater. The pyramid is oriented by the North-South faces. In the pyramid and beyond, places 1 are shown for patients to be treated during treatment or for laying funds while charging the pyramid with energy (see Figs. 1 and 2). In FIG. 1 and 2 also indicate the energy zones of the pyramid. There are 10 zones. Under the energy zone of the pyramid is understood the space representing the geometrical place of points in the volume of this zone and in which the patient or means for charging the energy of the pyramid should be located.

To check the conformity of a human biofield with the type of energy of the pyramid zones, 10 water bottles are prepared in half-liter plastic bottles from Coca-Cola or Pepsi Cola. A square of paper with the inscription of the pyramid zone is glued on each bottle (see Fig. 1). Stones (cobblestones) of 10 pieces are prepared, weighing approximately 200 g, previously washed and dried. A square of paper with the inscription of the pyramid zone is glued onto each stone. The same is done with other means that want to energize any zone of the pyramid.

The biological indicator pendulum is made in a conical shape (see Fig. 3) from brass, alloys, etc., weighing 10-30 g, which is mounted on a pendant 10-15 cm long from a thread or a thin cord, a knot is tied at the end of the cord (Information about biological pendulum in A. A. Litvinenko’s book “Encyclopedia of Biolocation”, pp. 38-44).

Example 1. A woman of 65 years old practically cannot walk for the last year. The medical diagnosis is severe arthritis. The medications taken have almost no effect on the legs. The patient was examined with a 20 g conical biological indicator pendulum suspended on a 15 cm cord. During the study, the patient pendulum indicator was held in one hand by the bundle of the cord (see Fig. 3). In this case, the hand, slightly clenched into a fist, is located above the working body of the pendulum. The first two fingers – the thumb and forefinger, which form the pivot point of the pendulum suspension, hold the cord with the tops of the terminal phalanges and are directed vertically downward, forming a kind of elongated ring, through the base of which passes the pendulum thread. Moreover, the hand gently bends effortlessly in the wrist joint. Non-participating fingers stay relaxed.

The study of the patient is performed in a prone position (or sitting). The operator (researcher) gives himself a setting – an agreement for the movement of the pendulum. “The circular motion of the pendulum counterclockwise above the diseased organ.” As a result of the study, the patient near the legs of the pendulum made a circular motion and the amplitude increased over the main source of pain and turned into a spiral. As a result, the diagnosis of arthritis was confirmed. The pendulum does not make any movements over the healthy organs of the patient.

For the study of a patient with a biological indicator-pendulum, a medical conclusion-diagnosis of a doctor is not necessary, i.e. it may not be.

After making a diagnosis, the patient determines the pyramidal water or other means, charged with energy in one of the zones or several zones of the pyramid.

To do this, 10 bottles with the inscription of the energy zone of the pyramid are installed on the table. Moreover, each bottle is alternately installed in front of the patient. The patient, holding in one hand a cord pendulum hanging over the bottle, mentally or aloud gives an installation agreement. “Can this water be treated?” and “Does the energy of this water suit me?” If “Yes, then the pendulum moves from me to the bottle,” if “No, then the pendulum moves across.” As a result of the study, the pendulum showed that the patient’s biofield matches the type of energy of the 2nd zone of the pyramid, i.e., when the pendulum moves from the patient to a bottle of water aged for two days in the second zone. In the remaining bottles, the water in which is charged with energy in other zones of the pyramid, the pendulum moved across between the patient’s body and the bottle.

As a result of such studies, the patient is prescribed treatment with water, charged energy in the second zone of the pyramid.

Treatment is carried out at home by applying applications and therapeutic baths. Wet application consists of three layers. In heated water, charged with energy in the second zone of the pyramid, the prepared moisture-absorbing material is lowered, slightly wrung out and superimposed on the diseased organ, that is, the legs are wrapped. A dense material is applied on top of the first layer, in addition to a plastic film, and warm material is applied on top of this second layer. These three layers are fixed. In time, the application is placed either for two hours, or at night – depending on the nature of the disease. The application is applied every day until recovery.

Therapeutic baths are taken every other day, only 12 baths. About 1 liter of pyramidal water is added to the water poured into the bath from the water supply system, in our example from the 2nd zone of the pyramid, after which the water is mixed. Stay in the bath for 15-20 minutes, after exiting the bath, do not wipe with a towel. Water is poured out of the bath; it is impossible to use it for other purposes. As a preventive measure, the patient was placed in a pyramid, with a mandatory location in the second zone. The patient was in the pyramid for 1 hour. After such treatment, the patient began to walk.

Example 2. A patient with pain in the stomach turned for help. Using biolocation, he examined the diseased organs with a biological indicator-pendulum, as described in Example 1. The pendulum made circular motions over the diseased organ, turning into a spiral. The diseased organ was the stomach (stomach ulcer). Also, using biolocation, the correspondence of the patient’s biofield with the type of energy of the pyramid zone was established. The 5th zone is established under the pyramid. The treatment is prescribed to the patient with water aged in the 5th zone. In addition, a stone (ordinary cobblestone) weighing about 1 kg was charged with the energy of the pyramid in the 5th zone. The patient put the charged stone on his knees and held it for 30-40 minutes, the pain stopped after 5-10 minutes. For 2 months he drank pyramidal water aged in the 5th zone half a glass before and after meals three times a day. In addition, the patient used hot baths every other day, only 12 baths, and after baths he applied applications to the stomach area at night. The pain stopped, the wounds healed.

Example 3. A man of 27 years, during the year the whole face was covered with a rash, could not shave, he was bothered by facial pain, medical diagnosis: allergic rash, allergen not established. After biological research with a pendulum indicator, as described in Example 1, it was found that he determined the pyramidal water from zone 3. The patient received 7 applications using water from zone 3, drank this water in a glass three times a day and washed his face. At the end of treatment, the patient’s rash disappeared, the skin became smooth.

Treatment in the pyramid is used as a prophylaxis with one-, two-day stay in it. It should be borne in mind where the height of the pyramid zone does not allow the patient to be sitting or standing, according to the author’s research, the human head should be in that pyramid zone where the type of energy of the zone coincides with the human biofield.

The essence of the method for determining a diseased organ in humans is as follows. Studies of the American scientist Shafiki Karagulla found that a person, in addition to the physical body, consists of 3 energy shells. The organs of the physical body during normal functioning work in a certain general energy mode, and the energy shells are presented as the resulting energy background, characterized by well-defined parameters for a healthy body. In case of an organ disease, the energy regime changes, which differs from the general background, and the energy (radiation) parameters of the diseased organ change accordingly.

For example, as the resultant background of a healthy organism, the field of vital energy (1st shell) is a web of bright light silver color, energy outside the physical body diverges perpendicular to the body. At the onset of an organ disease over this organ, the vital field dims, the edges of the energy outside the physical body are bent and lowered, and in case of severe illness, the energy of the diseased organ breaks the grid of the vital energy field and erupts like an energy fountain. These bends of the energy of the vital field and the fountain of energy of the diseased organ are captured by the biological indicator-pendulum. Thus, the pendulum captures changes in the vital field above the diseased organ when the pain signal from this organ has not yet entered the central nervous system.

The essence of treatment with the energy of the pyramid is as follows.

Firstly, if the energy of the pyramid zone coincides with the energy of the general background of the human biofield, then this energy makes up for the outflow of energy over the diseased organ, i.e. the energy field is stitched over the diseased organ.

Secondly, under the action of the energy of the pyramid in the hearth, substances necessary for the body at the cellular level are formed – prostaglandins, oxygen oxides, including singlet oxygen, etc., which are necessary for the body to function normally and which for some reason ceased to produce those responsible organs (cold, heat, hunger, radiation, harmful chemicals, etc.).

For details, see the journal “Chemistry and Life” 4, 1982, an article by A.A. Averyanova, “Unfamiliar Oxygen”, pp. 31-37 and the journal “Chemistry and Life” 12, 1997, article by L.D. Bergelson’s Prostaglandin Project, pp. 18-23.

The proposed method of treating the energy of the pyramid, which consists in determining the zones of energy concentration in the pyramid and beyond, determining the correspondence of the patient’s biofield with the type of energy of any zone of the pyramid and treating the patient with energy received from the pyramid zone that coincides with the patient’s biofield, allows to achieve the goal namely, to ensure reproducibility and objectification of the results of evaluating the effectiveness of treatment of patients with energy of the pyramid. Reduce or even eliminate radiation exposure to human organs. Eliminate energy costs. Reduce treatment time.

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